Santa Claus 2022 Online Game · Play Free
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Santa Claus 2022

It’s evening already, but you find the idol of Christmas in his worst health. You can’t let the merry of the night be ruined, so you find medicines in the aid kit and a magic cauldron in the kitchen. This is how you cure the white-bearded man! Heal the chill, the swollen thumb, and soothe the upset stomach.

It’s not your only task for tonight. It turns out that he hasn’t even touched the presents! They lay in a mess on a wrapping table, waiting for your caring hand. More to say, the deer won’t recognize their master in the shabby costume he wears in front of you! Try to find stylish accessories that deserve the charming Santa Claus 2022 look. Finally, control the wizard to bring presents in time and save the wonder of the day.